Institute of Electrical Engineering,Chinese Academy of Sciences


Renewable energy generation Research and Development Center
The new power equipment technology research department
   The new power equipment technology research department devotes in carrying on the research and promotion of applications of the key technologies, which are required by large electrical equipments and other power equipments and mainly in evaporative cooling technologies. The main research dir...Detail Info >>
Department of Advanced Technology of Electric Power System
   This department mainly focuses on the research of the advanced technology of electric power system. Its main task is to explore the new scientific and technical issues of electric power system, and to facilitate the application of new products and new technology in our country’s electric p...Detail Info >>
Department of Science and Technology of Extreme Electromagnetic Environment
   The research department of science and technology of extreme electromagnetic environment is mainly engaged in the generation, regularity, and application of unconventional electromagnetic environment. The investigated subjects include high voltage, high current and high-power electromagneti...Detail Info >>
Key Laboratory of Applied Superconductivity
   Key Laboratory of Applied Superconductivity is currently the only institution working on the cross-disciplinary researches of superconductivity in China. It was founded in 1970. The lab dedicates itself to the basic and key technological researches on the power electric and high magnetic fi...Detail Info >>
Research Department of Biomedical Engineering
   Research Department of Biomedical Engineering is designed to research on and solve the bio-electrical and biomagnetic engineering problems in the field of biology and medicine with the aid of electrical engineering principles and methods. Its main task is to explore the relationship between...Detail Info >>
Micro-nano Fabrication Technology Department
The department mainly studies fabrication technology in micro and nano scale, developing the technology with independent intellectual property rights, providing the strategic technological base for the research and development of the ultra-precise equipment in China, and probing the application o...Detail Info >>
Department of the Frontiers in Electrical Engineering
  Electrical engineering is one of the technical sciences with long history which has been contributing greatly to national economy. Its extensive intersection and cooperation with other disciplines, such as life science, material science, nanotechnology and information technology, leads to a v...Detail Info >>
Research Department of Power Electronics and Modern Electrical Drive
Research Department of Modern Electrical Drive has been engaged in researching the modern electrical drive and control technology to develop new transportation vehicles, and exploring the principles of highly efficient electrical drive. At present, the research areas mainly covers the electrical ...Detail Info >>