Institute of Electrical Engineering,Chinese Academy of Sciences
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An academic speech named “Nanodefect Configurations via Strain-Mediated Assembly for Optimized Vortex-Pinning in HTS Wires from 4.2K-77K”was given

On July 18, 2016, Prof. Amit Goyal from SUNY-Buffalo, USA, visited our institute and made an academic speech named “Nanodefect Configurations via Strain-Mediated Assembly for Optimized Vortex-Pinning in HTS Wires from 4.2K-77K”. Prof. Hongwei Gu chairedProf. Liye Xiao attended this lecture.

In his speech, Prof. Amit Goyal introduced the research status of the second generation of HTS CC. This talk provided an overview on  density, morphology, and composition of these engineered nanoscale defects affects vortex-pinning in different temperature, field and angular regimes. Detailed microstructural and superconducting properties coated conductors with these engineered defects will be presented. It was shown that certain nanodefect configurations that provided the best performance at high-operating temperatures also provided the optimal properties at low operating temperatures out to high-applied magnetic fields.

Prof. Amit Goyal joined UB in January 2015 as Director of RENEW, the University at Buffalo’s new interdisciplinary institute dedicated to research and education on globally pressing problems in energy, environment and water. He has developed clean energy technologies for over two decades. He has authored more than 350 technical publications and has 85 issued patents comprising 68 US and 17 International patents, and over 20 patents pending. He was the most cited author worldwide in the field of high temperature superconductivity from 1999-2009.