Prof. Victor Tarasenko Visiting IEE, CAS
Prof. Victor Tarasenko visited the Institute of Electrical Engineering (IEE), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), on Aug. 19-20, 2010.
Dr. Tarasenko has given three presentations with the titles “Runaway electrons preionized diffuse discharge at high pressure;Modes of generation of runaway electron beams in gases at high pressure;High power UV and VUV excilamps and their applications”.
Prof. Victor is reporting |
Dr. Victor Tarasenko, Prof. with the Institute of High Current Electronics (IHCE), Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Tomsk State University, is as the Head of Laboratory of Optical Radiation of IHCE. His major research interests are gas discharges with runaway electrons, UV and VUV spontaneous light sources, pulsed lasers on dense gases and applications.