Name: Yaohua Li
Degree: Doctor of engineering
Professional Title: Professor
Tel: +8610-82547001
Email: office@mail.iee.ac.cn
Education and Work Experiences:
1984.10--1988.09, Bachelor's degree in electrical machine, electrical and automation department of Tianjin University
1988.09--1991.02, Master's degree in electrical machine, electrical and automation department of Tianjin University
1991.02--1995.09, PhD's degree in electrical motor control, electrical machine department of Tsinghua University
1995.09--1997.04, Postdoctoral fellow, the institute of electrical machine in the Technical University of Berlin, Germany
1997.04--Present, Work in the institute of electrical engineering, Chinese academy of sciences
2001.12--2007.08, Group leader, maglev and linear driving technology research center of the institute of electrical engineering, Chinese academy of sciences
2007.08--2010.03, Assistant to director, the institute of electrical engineering, Chinese academy of sciences
2010.03--2017.08, Deputy director, the institute of electrical engineering, Chinese academy of sciences
2017.08--Present, Director, the institute of electrical engineering, Chinese academy of sciences